Last week, I sat in the company of some, shall we say, seasoned gentleman waiting on a client. In between awkward silences, they passed the time sharing stories of Chicago and the way it was back in their glory days: the jazz clubs and movie theaters long closed, the best $9 steak downtown, the shops where you could go to buy "hot" stereos, and, the tailors that outfitted them back before retail ruined clothes. This last story, in particular, caught my ear. I listened-on smiling as the man across the table recounted the first time he had a shirt made. He had just graduated from college and needed a suit to wear to interviews. As the tailor presented him with options, he asked whether or not the shirt should have a pocket. The pocket cost an extra $0.50- a splurge. Wanting to look impressive, he opted for the pocket. To this day, he makes sure his shirts have a breast pocket. This man has no idea that I sew, at least I don't think he does. He probably didn't realize how entertained I was by his account. The funniest part, as a person who does custom make her shirts, is that I intentionally make all my shirts without breast pockets. I just don't care for them. I wonder if my missing pockets prompted his story. Oh, the irony.
7/4/2015 02:29:34 am
That's such a fun story!
7/7/2015 10:55:55 pm
These shirt and skirt posts are ON POINT. I adore every combination you've created so far!
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March 2017