Do you ever get a craving that you can't quite put your finger on. It's like, you know you're hungry for something very specific, but nothing sounds good. You try eating a variety of things that might be comparable, but they don't do the trick. Before you know it, you've taste tested the entire contents of your refrigerator and pantry, feel slightly uncomfortable from having over indulged, yet still can't quite figure out what it was you really wanted in the first place.... This parallels my current relationship with sweater knitting. It started when I didn't finish my March sweater. When I first bit in, it was good; after a while, it wasn't very appetizing. I decided to save it for later, but I haven't thought about picking it up since. When April started, I tried a project with a different flavor. It was delicious but not satisfying. There I was... the middle of the month with another partial sweater I didn't want to work on. It was like being deep into a pint of ice cream. Do I finish? The damage is already done. Maybe if I stop now, I can avoid the stomach ache that's sure to follow; who cares if you're sweater-less two months consecutively? Neither option solved the problem: I just didn't know what I was hungry for. This has never happened before. I've been knitting for 3.5years, NON-STOP. 30+sweaters, nearly 20 pairs of socks, mittens, gloves, scarves,hats, blankets, and other misc. odds/ends, still, my Ravelry favorites overflows with sweater patterns I adore and would love to knit. It's not the season change. The season has changed 14 times since I started knitting, half of which are spring/summer shifts, and I knit through them all. True, sewing is making more of a presence in my life and free-time these days, but sewing is my silver, knitting my gold. It had to be something else. After some internal debate, I frogged the April jumper and started combining ingredients to make my own recipe. A pinch of this, a dash of that and ample amounts of EVERYTHING I thought might quash the craving. It's a very "pickles and ice cream" remedy, but it seems to be working. It's been two days of consumption via HEAPING spoonfuls; I can't get enough. Fingers crossed, this is what I needed.
4/17/2012 09:52:11 pm
I know that feeling :)
Sorry to hear about your cravings issue, I think I know how you felt because I get that way all the time. I crave a certain project then the second I start it I suddenly don't anymore. I am really glad you have (likely) figured it out! The project you started (in the photo) looks really pretty and fun to knit!
4/18/2012 02:27:23 am
Oh I totally understand this - I have had the same issue several times already (I haven't been knitting very long, about 15 months) - you have put it into words to perfectly!
4/18/2012 03:03:56 am
I'm loving the ingredients in your recipe.
4/18/2012 04:15:00 am
Looks lovely so far; I think it's exactly the thing you NEED to be knitting!
I love what you're working on , it looks fantastic and the colour is gorgeous, I can't wait to see how it develops! I'm always changing my mind about what I want to work on - I like something one day but not the next, lol. You should see how much my Year of Projects list has changed :)
4/18/2012 09:31:17 pm
It is very recognizable what you write. I have that at times, such a projects I call my PhD = Project half Done.
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