I haven't been around for a while. I knew July was going to get crazy. I don't like to talk shop around the blog, because, frankly, I don't consider it the forum for such conversations; however, tonight, I'm making an exception. When I'm not creating, I work for a trial attorney. And, for the past month, we've been on trial. Specifically, I work for a plaintiff's trial attorney, and we represent individuals involved in both product and malpractice cases. Despite portrayals of the justice system on TV and in the media, getting a case to trial is a relatively LONG and involved process, and the evidence and testimony that goes into presenting a case is lengthy and time consuming. The case we tried this month has been a WIP for four years. Today it resolved in the form of a jury verdict favoring our client. And, in the moment the judge read the jury's submission, all the hard work, sleepless hours, lack of quality time with my friends and family, not to mention sacrificed crafting hours, were worth the satisfaction of knowing that I had the opportunity to play a role in the retribution and justice delivered to our client. With that said. I have another verdict to report. I didn't get any July knitting finished. I did knit one sock. I also knit about 75% of a sweater... I didn't finish any knitting. BUT, I did manage to sew a teeny bit. I'm calling this my "Closing Argument" skirt. Turns out, it might be lucky. I used a navy, 100% silk dupoini fabric with a lightweight grey lining. ![]() To keep things extra simple, I revisited the skirt pattern I used on my Grasshopper outfit. I really LOVE this pattern. I do need to grade down the waistband a bit, because for whatever reason (stress???) I have a couple extra inches more than I typically would fit into a skirt band. Before leaving the Daley Center today, I let my boss know I was taking tomorrow off. I'm going to sleep until I wake-up; no alarms. Then, I'm going to knit. I may or may not get back on track this month. I'm not too worried about it. My main objective is to allow myself the opportunity to be blank for one whole day. Because Monday, we'll be jumping back in the saddle and gearing up for another trial scheduled towards the end of September... Crafting is likely going to become a back-burner activity for the next few months of my life. But, I'm going to pop in to see you all as often as I can! See you soon!
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March 2017